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The Friends & Patrons of Folkestone Symphony (FHOS) are our financial lifeline.

Our Friends & Patrons help bridge the gap between the price of the tickets and the actual cost of the concerts.  We are always looking to gain more support under our Friends & Patrons scheme to help the orchestra continue to perform its excellent concerts each season.  You can become a Friend of the Orchestra and receive complimentary tickets to our concerts for a whole season for as little as £36.  If you run a local business, you may consider offering more in return for some complimentary tickets as well as some advertising.  As a Patron, we have a number of packages available or alternatively, a bespoke package can always be considered.  Please see the process at the bottom of this webpage for full details of the available packages and if you are interested, please contact us at

Our Patrons

We would like to sincerely thank all our loyal patrons, who are:

Chris Harman & Sue Brelade
Black & White Financial Planning
Clive Peckover
Patric Cunnane & Ruth Clydesdale

Our Friends

We would like to sincerely thank all our loyal friends, who are:

Belinda Walker
Ron & Edith Chatburn
Nick & Lisa Gifford
Marigold Deveson
Derek Hodgon
Stephen & Jill O'Neill
Dorothy Douse
Sue Powell
Duncan Lord
Anthony Trinkwon
Michael Foad
Martin & Karen Wood
Gerald & Angela Whawell
Brian Gould
Alan Harden
Keith Wren

Becoming a Friend

Friends are individuals who wish to offer their support to the orchestra, not only by making an annual payment/donation but also by offering further support such as:
- Helping to spread the awareness of FHOS to encourage more people along to our concerts and generally raise our profile within the local community.
- Recommending your friends and other individuals or businesses to also become Friends or Patrons. 


Option 1

£36 p.a. (individual) or £72 p.a. (for couples)

  • A Complimentary ticket - or tickets if a couple - to our 3 main classical concerts each season.  This relates to an annual saving of £9 per individual or £18 for a couple.
  • An acknowledgement of your support in both our programme and on our website.

If you wish to choose this option to become a friend, please either e-mail or phone our Friends & Patron Secretary on 01303 894635 for more information and an application form

FHOS - Buy Tickets

Option 2

£45 p.a. (individual) or £90 p.a. (for couples)

  • A complimentary ticket - or tickets if a couple - to our 3 main classical concerts each season, plus our Annual Family Christmas Concert.  This relates to an annual saving of £12 per individual or £24 per couple.
  •  An acknowledgement of your support in both our programme and on our website.

If you wish to choose this option to become a friend, please either e-mail or phone our Friends & Patron Secretary on 01303 894635 for more information and an application form.

FHOS - Buy Tickets


Becoming a Patron

Orchestra Patrons or sponsors, can either be individuals or businesses who feel they can commit more financial support to the work of the orchestra, which will help us to continue to provide live classical music concerts to the local community to a high standard. In return, we can offer a choice of four packages, depending on the level of donation that you are prepared to give.

Bronze £150 p.a.

  • 2 complimentary ticket(s) to 4 of our concerts each season
  • Complimentary programmes
  • An acknowledgement of your support in our programmes and on our website
  • A quarter A5 page advertisement in our programme (for a business)
FHOS - Buy Tickets & Patronship

If you wish to to become a Bronze patron, please either click the buy button or e-mail or phone our Friends & Patron Secretary on 01303 894635 for more information and an application form 

£600 p.a.

  • 6 complimentary ticket(s) to 4 of our concerts each season
  • Complimentary programmes
  • An acknowledgement of your support in our programmes and on our website
  • A full A5 page advertisement in our programme (for a business)
FHOS - Buy Tickets & Patronship

If you wish to to become a Gold patron, please  either click the buy button or e-mail or phone our Friends & Patron Secretary on 01303 894635 for more information and an application form

Silver £350 p.a.

  • 4 complimentary ticket(s) to 4 of our concerts each season
  • Complimentary programmes
  • An acknowledgement of your support in our programmes and on our website
  • A half A5 page advertisement in our programme (for a business)
FHOS - Buy Tickets & Patronship

If you wish to to become a Silver patron, please  either click the buy button or e-mail or phone our Friends & Patron Secretary on 01303 894635 for more information and an application form

More than £600 p.a.

  • Total flexibility, all subject to discussion.
FHOS - Buy Tickets & Patronship

If you wish to to become a Platinum patron, please  either click the buy button or e-mail or phone our Friends & Patron Secretary on 01303 894635 to discuss a suitable bespoke package

We are happy to discuss the idea of any bespoke packages for our patrons, including a 'no benefits' arrangement at each level, where appropriate.


Telephone Derek Kemp (Chairman) 01303 894635/ Mob. 07919 030077